Preparing your own income tax return can become a headache no one wants to deal with and usually leaves you with more questions than answers.
With Tax Laws changing every year, it makes filing your income tax returns so complicated and a bit confusing. It’s so easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use simple computer software programs, there’s no guarantee that you will receive the most refund possible as compared to the assistance of an experienced tax professional.
If you are looking for a more personal service with expertise, you have found the right place! We offer a range of services for individuals, business owners, executives, and independent professionals. Our rates are competitive in the area. We pride ourselves on being professional, knowledgeable and experienced accountants, there when you need us most!
Here’s what we offer to our clients…
- Your tax return will be view carefully by our experienced tax professionals with state of the art software identifying potential problems the IRS may look at more closely and reviewing the math to limit IRS contacts.
- Your tax return can be filed electronically so you will get a refund back quicker.
- We will show you how to adjust your payroll withholding to get more money back each week. Why give the IRS an interest-free loan from your hard earning money
- We will show you potential deductions to limit your tax liability for next year.
Tax Season Hours (January 27th – April 15th)
Monday – Friday: mornings 8:30am – 10:30am
Monday – Thursday: evenings 7pm – 9:30pm
Walk-in hours
Monday – Friday: 12:00pm- 5:30pm
Saturday – 9:00am – 4:00pm
Sundays: Closed